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7 support roles who help students succeed in virtual school

7 Support Roles Who Help Students Succeed in Virtual School

Online schooling is personalized and flexible, empowering young learners to take a more active, independent role in their education. But in order to build necessary skills and confidence, students at virtual academies need strong support systems – both at home and in school. At SLC, we know how important it is to consistently provide the resources, support, and guidance our students and their Learning Coaches need to succeed. 

Our wonderful team of teachers, advisors, counselors, and support specialists work together to ensure each and every SLC student and family feels supported now and in their pursuit of future goals. Our shared commitment to this purpose provides a sense of groundedness for students, even though we often meet online instead of in person!

Keep reading to learn about the everyday heroes at virtual academies like SLC that make online learning effective, fun, and cooperative!

Types of Professionals Who Support Students at Virtual Schools

school professional happy at desk

The faculty is the backbone of any school. As students journey through their educational careers, these committed professionals play an invaluable role in providing the practical support, inspiration, and guidance students need to succeed in school and throughout their lives. 

Here are just a few of the virtual school support positions that can transform the online learning experience for students!

1. Education Advisors – Guiding Student Success

The role of an academic advisor is to work with students to create plans for educational success and help them set and achieve specific individual goals. 

At SLC, the advisor-student relationship doesn’t just go one way. Our advisors are dedicated, knowledgeable professionals who truly care about the success and well-being of every student. They always take the time to listen and understand your current and future goals so they can help you stay on track and reach your full potential! 

We also have advisors who work with students in our Early College program to help students complete college credits while they’re still in high school and make the transition to college smooth and successful.

2. Counselors – Nurturing Mental Health and Future Goals

Counselors foster positive learning experiences by providing essential emotional and academic support to students. These experts work with students and their families to identify and address issues impacting their learning, social health, and general wellbeing. 

In our ever-evolving world, prioritizing the mental health and social and emotional development of students is absolutely crucial. Growing up is never easy, and no student should have to face the stresses and challenges of life alone. At SLC, our counselors offer compassionate support and steadfast advocacy to students and families regarding a wide range of social, emotional, and educational concerns. 

3. Registrars – Simplifying Enrollment and Registration

Registrars help students and families navigate the enrollment and registration process as they begin their journey at a new academic institution. 

Admissions and registration at SLC and other virtual schools is a little different than your previous experiences may have been at a “regular” school. Our team is committed to making you feel welcome and connected from the moment you contact us. From our warm and helpful front desk receptionist to the fantastic office managers and other folks working hard behind the scenes, our goal is always to help students and families feel at home at SLC.

Once you have completed an application and submitted your transcripts, you’ll meet with us for a New Student Orientation to meet with our staff members, learn important information about how to communicate with teachers and staff, and how to access curricula.

Our wonderful online registration department is at your service throughout the calendar year. Whether you’re transitioning to online school from a traditional school or other alternative at the start of a new school year or you’re making the switch to SLC in the middle of the school year and need to transfer credits, we’ll help make the transition as smooth as possible.

4. Teachers – Inspiring a Lifelong Love of Learning

Teachers are the primary facilitators of learning and educational development for students. They’re responsible for planning lessons, instructing students on class topics, creating and grading assignments, managing classrooms, designing and delivering lectures, leading class discussions, working with Learning Coaches, and much more.

A good teacher imparts knowledge through engaging instructional methods and inspires a genuine love of and investment in learning. In a virtual academy like SLC, it’s even more important that teachers are able to form a positive connection with each and every student. Our staff of instructors is committed to providing lessons that are effective, enriching, and conducive to long-term student success.

5. Administrators – Offering High-Level Support to All Students and Families

Our administrative team works closely with staff, students, and families to foster meaningful communication and support at every level. Our wonderful Principle, Vice Principal, and Deans maintain an unwavering commitment to student success, happiness, and fulfillment. 

For families looking for a high level of support, SLC’s administrators take an active role in finding achievable solutions to any challenge and ensuring a positive and supportive learning environment for each and every student.

6. Learning and IT Specialists – Providing Essential Resources and Support

Learning specialists and IT professionals are tasked with delivering the practical support students and families need to navigate virtual learning. 

From providing special education resources for English language learners and students with disabilities to assisting with technological roadblocks, our staff is available and fully prepared to ensure every student receives individualized support.

7. Learning Coaches – Supporting and Empowering Students at Home

At SLC, we believe that student success and fulfillment begins at home. The most important support role for any successful virtual student is the role of the Learning Coach. A Learning Coach may be a parent, guardian, or other adult who is deeply invested in the student.

Our entire team here at SLC is dedicated to making sure every family and Learning Coach has the tools and resources they need to be present and provide effective at-home support, structure, accountability, and guidance to their students.

The Team’s Impact on Student Success in Virtual Learning

student sitting on floor in front of laptop

The online model of education presents unique challenges for student support teams, but it also presents unique opportunities. Since staff and students don’t gather together in one physical location each and every day, we take extra steps to ensure learners get the support they need. 

Here are just a few ways we work to overcome the potential challenges of online learning:

We’re purposeful in how we organize our curriculum, resources, expectations, and online and in-person interactions. Students are most successful when their Learning Coaches, teachers, counselors, advisors, and other supporters all work together toward the same goal and truly put the needs of the student first.

Get Comprehensive Online School Support and Reach Your Full Academic Potential

student looking at laptop

Learning is a personal, yet deeply collaborative process. Virtual school, in particular, requires that individuals work together to provide the high-quality education students need to reach their goals. Students and their families deserve to have access to honest, knowledgeable support professionals who truly care about their wellbeing and long-term success. 

Summit Learning Charter is committed to providing extensive academic support, advocacy, and guidance. Learn more about our virtual academy, discover the benefits of online learning, and contact us to get your questions answered. 

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Sean Gallagher

Mr. Gallagher has been working at Summit Learning Charter since 2008, the school's founding year, and has been the Principal since 2014. Sean has been an educator for 27 years working in alternative education, teaching English, and school leadership. Sean's passion as a school leader is constructing Summit towards continual growth and student centered solutions.

Program Dates:
September 6 to June 16

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