Summit History
Since 2008, our school has been leaders in the pioneering movement of Virtual Education for the State of Oregon.
Enrolling 1300 students from across the Portland Metro Area into our 3 charter programs.
It is amazing to think of all the changes that technology has brought us and all the tools we have used to improve our delivery of instruction.
Our core team has been with us since the use of the Blackberry telephone!
Summit Learning Charter is a FREE public charter school sponsored by the Estacada School District.
We created the team, then we created the vision.
Our story begins 15 years ago when the internet was a much smaller place. In 2008, with the support of Estacada School District, Summit embarked on a long and unforgettable journey. While creating the ‘Best kept secret in education’, Summit continues to evolve and polish how we support learners..
How do we accomplish this?
We only accomplish this together.
Partnering with families.

Moving past the computer and coming together.
Sure, we specialize in virtual education and digital teaching tools, but engagement with our learners is the engine that drives this organization.
A full, 2 day / week schedule on IN PERSON enrichment fits expertly into our model.
We customize every learners education plan with text or digital teaching tools, LIVE and Asynchronous classes, and a variety of curriculum options to build a true continuum of support throughout all of our program options.

The Learning Coach - Your role as a parent has never been more important.
Being an effective Learning Coach is the single most important tool in your learners education!
But What Does That Look Like? – Our TOP FIVE Learning Coach roles!
Attendance Maintenance
Progress check
Goal Setting
Talk/Ask Questions
Help Build a Routine

Forging Ahead.
Staying ahead of the curve is a welcome challenge. Summit continues to explore and implement opportunities for every learner. Summit is leading the industry, growing our staff, and pursuing innovative example of “HOW” to engage with learners.
Creating a charter school that offers a full continuum of education supports … That grows with our learners and builds bridges… That connects with our community and helps all our students see their dreams.
OUR future is bright!

Mission Statement
The mission of the School is to empower (our Learning Community) by creating an educational culture that prepares students for a successful transition to the world of work or post-secondary education.
Free public education. Summit Learning Charter specializes in Virtual Education blended with Real – Life Enrichment and Dual credit college programs.

Vision Themes - Empower every learner with a challenging, innovative, and personalized education.
- The Family is the primary support for the learner
- Family engagement, participation, and support is welcomed and expected
- Personalized learning / not “one-size fits all”
- Student relationships are crucial to student performance and educational success
- Every student can learn
- Every student learns differently
- Provide rich and varied curriculum choices and learning modes
- Continuous improvement is the expectation
- For all faculty
- For the institution
- For all learners

Student Success Stories
“Success is not an accident. It is hard work, perservance, studying, sacrifice, and most of … a love of what you are doing.” – Pele
We are honored to be a partner to your family and your learner on this incredible journey!
Joshua Davis

From the Portland Metro Area.
Joined as a 9th grader in the Fall of 2016.
I always liked that I could work from home at my own pace and that I could also come attend Live classes and enrichment options on campus. It’s been 4 years, I’m a senior planning to graduate with Summit this June.
I have had many wonderful experiences with Summit, it will be hard to leave. The subjects that I’ve take have challenged me to strive to be my very best. The teachers and staff at Summit are always available in person, email online or even text; whenever I had had a question on needed support with a subject.
I stutter and struggle sometimes to articulate what I need to say. This has never been an issue with Summit staff. They are always patient and let me have the time I need to speak. Enrichment courses such as Orchestra and Leadership have taught me to put myself out there despite my speech disability and become a leader among my peers and community.
This in turn gave me the confidence to pursue courses at the community college through Summit’s Early College program. In am now attending my third term at community college while still finishing up my Summit courses, and I am going strong.
My goals are to graduate from Summit this June, 2020 and continue working hard at community college for the next one to two years, working on a degree in Computer Science. I then plan to transfer to a four-year college and obtain a bachelors degree in computer science. I would like to be a game programmer and work for Nintendo of America.
“No matter how hard something gets, Don’t quit”- Josh Davis
Sonjia Johansen

It’s 2020 and I’m a freshman at Berkeley majoring in Computer Science. I am a very proud graduate from Summit’s Early College program for two year. I chose Summit’s Early College because it gave me incredible freedom: I could pick my courses, pick my teachers, pick the days I wanted to go to school and pick what months I could go to Europe for rock climbing and travel.
Before each term, my Advisor Heather Stouder encouraged me to explain my interests and hopes. She reviewed the Oregon guidelines to make sure I was on track to graduate and was always able to answer questions from me and my parents. I also had PCC advisors to draw on. And, since some of my community college classes had as few as 10-15 students, I got to know teachers really well. They advised me, supported me and wrote me great recommendations. Thanks to Summit and PCC, I am now very comfortable at Berkeley meeting professors and advisors about my education. I’ve done it already for two years.
After two years supported by Summit, I graduated with a high school degree, an Associate of Arts degree and an Associate of Science degree. And, while I am now enrolled as a freshman at Berkeley, many of my community college credits were accepted so my official status is as a Junior. Additionally, when I apply for jobs and internships, my resume shows I finished an Associates degree during high school proving I am a dedicated learner.
I’m always proud to say I graduated from SLC and talk about the flexibility and opportunities their program gave me in high school. I think most importantly, SLC provided me a bigger world than a just a regular high school campus.
Sonja’s parents statement: When we encouraged Sonja to think about early college some friends thought we were pushing our daughter to finish high school faster. No. Instead, we were encouraging her to choose a program with the biggest life menu and opportunities. Summit’s Faculty know their students and families are looking for an enriching experience – not a conventional high school degree. Thank you Summit Learning Charter for your extraordinary support, flexibility and kindness.