Staff Testimonials
I feel so privileged to work with this team of educators. Each one is a leader, a team player, an advocate, and a pioneer. Together, we are building a school of empowerment for all of our families and learners. Together, we are changing the landscape of what is possible in education. To do that, the leadership must keep a keen eye on building an amazing workplace that cultivates respect within each department for the extremely important and challenging jobs we do.
Sean Gallagher
My role as an Early College Advisor has been extremely fulfilling.
I am proud to be part of a team that goes above and beyond to support students!
Jenna Shearer
Early College Advisor
I am so grateful to be a part of the Summit team! I have worked at several other charter schools before coming here, and now that I’m here, I don’t plan to leave. Here I feel well supported by admin, I get a lot of flexibility with how and what I teach, and I have the best work life balance I’ve ever had in my teaching career!
Michelle McCarthy
Elementary Teacher
Summit Stories
Ms Leslie Anne DeLair
12 year Language Arts Teaching Veteran
I started teaching at Summit Learning Charter at the beginning – in 2008 before it was even called Summit. This school has morphed from a home-visit, completely online module to somewhat of a hybrid creation. The current model offers many online and in-person options that puts the learner in charge of their education. They get to choose which curriculum works best for them – online, in person, or a combination of both. There is a lot of freedom for students in an online model, but many don’t realize the freedom teachers have as well. Summit gives teachers the freedom to find the best way to teach our learners. The reason I’ve stuck with this school so long is not only because our students and families are wonderful, but our staff is absolutely amazing! You will never find a group of teachers more dedicated to their students. We get to teach to our passions in our in-person enrichment classes. We are encouraged to make changes when something isn’t working. The reason this school is what it is today because the teachers and staff have made it that way. We keep what works and change what does not. The result? A school that offers flexibility for student learning, a school that encourages teachers to teach what they are most passionate about, a school that is one of the top online schools in the state, a school that is one-of-a-kind… The result is Summit.

Claire White
1st Year Elementary Teacher
I taught in two self contained 5th grade classrooms at two different public schools for a total of 5 years before coming to Summit Learning Charter. Working for Summit Learning Charter is honestly a dream come true. It is everything that I love about working in education with none of the unreasonable expectations that the system tends to place on teachers. Class sizes here are more than reasonable and every teacher is provided with ample on-the-clock planning time. Working here means no more trying to squeeze 30 plus growing children and desks into a cramped classroom or working through the weekend just to stay on top of things. The children here are able to learn while receiving the individualized attention and instruction that they deserve without any teachers feeling stretched to their limits. Working here means that I am not bound by a specific curriculum that I was commanded to teach regardless of its applicability to my students. I am free to teach the subjects that I am good at and enthusiastic about, in the ways that my expertise and experience dictates. Summit trusts its employees to be the professionals that we were trained to be and perform our jobs the way that best benefits our students. Being a new teacher at Summit has been such a breath of fresh air that I am certain working anywhere else would be a step backwards in the progression of my career.

Gannon Frye
2nd Year Early College Counselor
Since joining the amazing Summit team at the end of last school year, I have had the fabulous experience of getting to work with students from all walks of life, helping them to reach their educational goals. I have been privileged to partner not only with the Summit Early College and Virtual Program Teams, but also with individuals from Clackamas Community College. This partnership in particular has allowed me to better serve my caseload of students and help to make their high-school to post-secondary plan occur more seamlessly. I value the trust Summit, its students, and their families place in me.

Cate Kruger
1st year High School Mathematics
After five years of teaching math in brick and mortar schools, I was interested in exploring how online learning might impact my teaching practice. I sought expansion and new experiences. I accepted a position with Summit for the 19-20 school year and I couldn’t be happier.
One of my goals as an educator is to make mathematics more accessible for every learner. Summit has supported me in this goal by presenting me with new challenges, encouraging my autonomy, and trusting my input. I feel valued as an individual. I know my contribution is welcomed and has a positive impact.
Almost one year in and I’m hooked! I feel honored and inspired every day. I know I’m a better educator now than I was a year ago. We’re building something truly incredible here.